Wednesday 29 January 2014

Mock question

Evaluate the ways that you have used/ challenged simplistic representation in one of your media productions.

My thriller uses more representation techniques than my music video. my thriller having one heavily dominant protagonist and is constructed entirely of narrative and conforms to traditional prop characters.

The lead protagonist in the Thriller is a male detective with a deep voice, this heavily represents masculinity, as typically you would not have a woman playing the role of a lead detective in a case. This covers Butler’s theory of Gender Performance; Butler argues that gender is performance in the case of my thriller it is true, as the male lead is acting and behaving in a masculine way.

My coursework reinforces Butlers theory, as the thriller world is masculine adult world this is portrayed by the location and Actors. The actor is clearly a male protagonist, who is a detective you can tell this from the stereotypical casting or a tall male character dressed in quite a uniform.  The characters masculinity carries the performance this backs up Butlers theory. 

There is not any other way that the audience can read my thriller other than the character being a male detective or police officer being a protagonist as he works for the police; the audience would not associate this kind of job with a negative character. But that is an automatic response so you could say that Gauntlett theory could apply as it is down to the audience to work out who this character is and you have not seen any of his back story so he may have a hidden past.

Butlers theory of gender performance plays a big part in thrillers as you would not have the lead males protagonist role as a house husband, you would have his a strong figure orthortive figure as my thriller shows as him being a detective. As you do not know the characters identity it could cover Gauntlets theory of constructing an identity as he loses everything toward the end of it as he wakes up in a dark room with blood on his shirt. This completely takes away his masculinity and his identity from his as he cannot work out who he is and where he is.

My thriller used a heavily representation of masculinity with the charger being strong and powerful but you still with a touch or post masculinity as he lose his identity towards the end.

Argument-  you only agreed, find something to discuss
Applied theory-  you explain the theories, don’t bother!
Only used 2 theories


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